“Julie... can take us to new levels of performance...”

“Julie has deep insight and the ability to integrate in ways that can take us to new levels of performance,
discovering parts of ourselves that we never knew existed.”

— John Hagel, Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge Innovation

Strategic creativity is the engine of success.

When you understand the creative process, support it with powerful tools, appropriate constraints, and a culture that embraces early failure for faster success, your people and your organization will prosper.

Great leaders create strategic, generative, humane cultures - cultures that ignite creativity and awaken the humanity in its people. The best leaders do so by giving their people the tools, constraints, and love they need to succeed.

Every organization must consistently navigate the uncertain and ambiguous nature inherent in creativity, relationships, and business.

To do so requires employees who know how to bring forth their creative and innovative capacities, leaders who are willing and able to lead in times of great uncertainty and ambiguity, and organizations willing to become more humane.

Are your people ready and willing to...

  • Work together collaboratively and creatively to face initiatives and challenges?

  • See opportunity instead of impossibility?

  • Innovate rather than stagnate?

Is your organization ready and willing to…

  • discover and support the untapped capacities in each person in your employ?

  • make your people and their success, health, and happiness the number one priority?

  • create a culture that is humane, empathetic, kind, and creatively engaged?

  • promote leaders focused on the health, happiness, and success of the organization as a whole?

“…a top notch professional…”

“I hired Julie to deliver a customized off-site training experience to help our marketing team overcome creative obstacles. I'm pleased to say that she exceeded our expectations across the board. We started with a very nebulous set of goals, and Julie immediately jumped in to help us refine and prioritize what we could reasonably accomplish. As the date of the offsite drew nearer, the trainees were very skeptical about what the training was all about and what the results might be. Julie deftly overcame these negative perceptions and turned the team's skepticism into enthusiasm within the first couple of hours. By the end of the day, the team was in high spirits, delighted with the tools that Julie provided and the exercises she led in helping us to identify and engage the barriers to our creative success.

She is a top notch professional who I would not hesitate to hire again."

— Eric Watson, Microsoft

My background as a transformational coach, interaction experience designer, and Stanford University Creativity and Leadership instructor, will help guide and accelerate your organization’s ability to solve problems and innovate. Integrating modalities of coaching, design thinking, and highly practical yet subtly powerful creativity tools, together we’ll harness the power of your people to step more fully into the power of their personal creativity.

I offer a variety of custom offsites and courses based on the Creativity in Business course taught not only at Stanford University Graduate School of Business for twenty-five years, but also in a variety of communities, nationally and internationally.

In my extensive experience facilitating clients through the nuts and bolts of the creative process, I’ve found over and over again that the coaching and curriculum I offer increases one’s capacity to be a leader and innovator who knows how to grow creative, compassionate, and collaborative cultures in which people can thrive and flourish, and be joyfully engaged.

Teams that do this work...

  • Become more resilient, resourceful and productive.

  • Act nimbly in times of change.

  • Collaborate with greater ease and output.

  • Speak a shared language that facilitates moving through conflict quickly.

  • Make huge creative leaps by trusting in the creative process itself and silencing the judgment that kills creativity.

  • Approach challenges as opportunities for both personal and organizational growth and transformation, knowing they have powerful tools and practices in place.


Working together, we'll get your people engaged by supporting them with the tools they need to do what what they are there to do. This is what brings true happiness, health, and success.

Please get in touch to see how we might work together.