SOURCED will arrive in early Spring, 2023.
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“…the deep turning of the culture that can be accomplished by those few women who have choice, who choose to speak and act on behalf of life, not out of a sense of duty but out of the compassionate response of the heart. They are not interested in power for its own sake but in exercising what power they have on behalf of life, on behalf of others.”
- Anne Baring

There exists a Source from which You flow, a unique and abundant wellspring from which you live. While you’ve been taught to trust what lies outside of you more than your Source, this has never changed the fact that the Source of you has and always will be the true Source of you.

Your Source has never been outside of you. The Source of your Life lies deep within you, deep in your heart, and deep in your womb. It is deep within your flesh and bones, deep in the marrow. Your body expresses the Source within you. This Source is the seat of an incredible power within you, but to know it and express it you must return home to it, coming to know it again as the Source from which to live your life. It’s a rescue of Self. When you give it your focus and attention, and begin to follow this inner authority and knowing, you say YES to life, YES to your own existence, YES to joy, and YES to the dignity and honoring of all Beings.

While there is great suffering in this world, this existence is also one of joy and it is in our best interest to be joyful for this is our nature, too. You can relearn how to be in this world returning home to the Essence of yourself. Your body knows. You might be afraid and you might not understand ‘how’ to do this, but life can and will guide you. You relearn by listening to and trusting in the life within you, that deep wisdom that lies in the marrow of your own bones. This deep Self is the seat, the root, the grounding of your Existence.

Life grows more fully within you in the simple moments when, between the inhale and the exhale, you’re fed by breath and your mind rests in the swell of the heart. This is how you change the world - by changing how you are in the world. By coming down into the marrow of things, into the real places in life. When you change how you are toward the world, the world changes how it is toward you. This existence is symbiotic, one of mutual dependence, one of reciprocity.

Being a lover of the marrow of things is not an easy path, but be a lover of the marrow of things nonetheless. Come down and in, living close to the bone of Existence. Smell the air in all its sweetness. Touch flesh and gives thanks.

I am here to be a guide back into the marrow of your own Knowing, your Authority and Creativity, and the power of Self-permission.

"Self-knowledge is not clarity or transparency or knowing how everything works, self-knowledge is a fiercely attentive form of humility and thankfulness, a sense of the privilege of a particular form of participation. It is coming to know of the way we hold the conversation of life, and perhaps, above all, the miracle that there is a particular something rather than an abstracted nothing and that we are a very, very particular part of that particular something." - David Whyte 

SOURCED ignites your creative life force - the power that brings you joy and can effect loving change in the world.