"What would you do if you didn't feel bad about yourself?"

In a very simple way,

you have two competing voices - the voice of the Self - your essential nature, an inner knowing that often speaks in a quieter tone - and your personality or persona or ego. The ego isn't bad or wrong. But it is a young voice that is centered in a kind of self-protection. It is immature. It favors either self-inflation or self-deflation. The true voice is neither. It is simply Self.

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I Will Not Die Numb

My life has been a journey to become real - alive and fully feeling.

For the past 22 years, I've stumbled through this spiritual journey, which I now see has become a human journey. 

I am not sure when it turned. The intense craving for something unknown, something beyond, something, greater than myself, turned inward toward my own heart, this aging body, this intense soul. It is here that I found the spiritual. It was in the flowers, trees, and birdsong that I came to know and remember the magic of the sacred call to remember oneself here on Earth. It was in the touch of his skin on mine, that my soul began to vibrate with the beautiful intensity of desire I had seemingly lost for years. 

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Eros & Power

We as a species are being asked to find our true power within, a power that grows when lived in relationship with life, a generative power. When power is not used against itself, but rather used in service to life, it flows and is generative. I make the distinction between power-over and power-from-within, which is also power-with because we can then all live our power alongside each other. We are powerful with each other.

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